Buying Firewood in Australia
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Buying Firewood in Australia

To ensure you are getting the most out of your firewood you should always purchase from a reputable supplier. Look for a reputable merchant who complies with the national code of practice and displays the Firewood Assocation of Australia logo.

 The Natural Resource Management Ministerial Councils task force has defined 7 environmentally acceptable sources of sustainable firewood. These are accepted as complying with the Code of Practice;

1. Logging residues from sustainably managed forests and plantations

2. Residue or by product from sawmilling or other wood processing operations supplied by sustainably managed forests and plantations

3. Wood collected from forest or woodland under gorvernment authorisation

4. Wood collected on private property under formal management plans or environmental guidelines

5. Wood from agroforestry, planted windbreaks,planted shelterbelts or waste timber

6. Salvage of waste timber from approved harvesting on private and public land

7. Recycled or waste timber from tree lopping, building demolition or urban salvage


Look for the distinctive FAA membership logo which is displayed by FAA members, call 1300 131 481 for your nearest member or click the link to find a reputable wood merchant in your area

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